Subject: List: common emotional junkballs™️ in women and what if what your wants feel out of reach, Friend 🤔

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

The universe doesn't deliver according to what you want, it delivers according to who you ARE, Friend. 

That means unless you are on the same energetic frequency as the things you want in your life, it won't bring them to you until you upgrade your frequency.

How Vibrational Frequency Works:

Your emotions create an energetic vibration. That vibration has a certain frequency. Negative emotions - low frequency. Positive emotions - high frequency. The good things in life including loving, supportive people, great opportunities, meaningful work and deeply connected friendships are all up there on higher frequencies.

The quickest way for you to get to a higher frequency is to release negative emotions that are stored in your subconscious mind so that you can stay feeling positive and be up there where the good stuff is so it can find you! 😊 Yes, I said, "find you" because you won't have to chase after things you want, you simply become a magnet that attracts them.

A classic example of being on the wrong frequency

A woman who wants a man who is a wonderful, confident, successful, intelligent, healthy, fit with a great sense of humor, loving, compassionate and respectful BUT she isn't any of those things herself. She's looking for someone to "complete her". Ugh. 🙄

That man is out there, but he isn't looking for a woman who needs saving, financial support, a live-in therapist, is depressed or continuously sick who would be "a project". If she isn't on his frequency level she can't have him.

He's looking for a fun, positive, confident, healthy, loving woman who has done her work to release the junk from her past to heal her emotions, body and mind of anything that would sabotage their relationship.

He's looking for a woman on his same high energetic frequency. Someone to grow and laugh with and learn from and to inspire and be inspired by. 😍

If He Hasn't Done His Own Work Yet... 😕

If he hasn't done his own personal work to release his own mind junk, he may be looking for someone to rescue to get his hero-fix or someone to abuse to get his power-fix, but this person is on a low energetic frequency and the woman he chooses are on that same level. She likely has a worthiness emotional junkball that's keeping her stuck and will continue to attract those men. He has his own emotional baggage that's causing him to need a "fix" to feel better about himself. The thing with fixes is that they are short-lived and the person always needs another one, and another, and another. Scary, huh? 😟

Many more couples come together on lower frequencies than this and support each other as they grow or just stay stuck where they are.

Women who release emotional junkballs (baggage) are new and improved people by the end of their 30-day program. They attract a different kind of friend, significant other and opportunities to their lives because their vibrational frequency is higher and they've become aligned with what they want.

Check out this recent client's releases in her first few energy work sessions:

Emotional Junkballs Released

  1. Anger

  2. Sadness

  3. Fear

  4. Lack of security

  5. Guilt

  6. Burden of responsibility

  7. Worry

  8. Gullible

  9. Unworthy

  10. Resistance

  11. Powerless

  12. Shame

  13. Self-doubt

I've bolded the most common ones that I release with every client. There is a growing list of 153 Emotional Junkballs™️ my clients and I have released. One client released FIFTY during her 30-day Inner Power Breakthrough. Can you imagine how your life would improve if these just didn't show up anymore?

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Your life is waiting. 😊 Simply reply to this email and let me know you're ready to see what's possible for you and watch your inbox for my reply.

P.P.S. You can also take a look at my clients' success stories HERE.

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph, Your Inner Power Coach
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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