Subject: I wanted to hide under the chair when she told me, Friend... 😶 workshop inside⌛

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock
Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

What she told me I was capable of and meant to do scared me so bad I wanted to hide under the chair! It was 2012.

Again in 2023, another woman of powerful intuition told me the same thing.

This time, I knew that by stepping out from where I'd been hiding and tapping into more of my inner power, some tough issues I was dealing with would have to leave my life.

I saw this as a win-win for me and a huge victory for the women I'd work with from then on!

Register for my free workshop "The Inner Power Secret."

Have you done this before too, Friend? Put off something you knew was for you out of fear?

It's so easy to get stuck in our current circumstances, whether in our relationships, work, dreams or health.

Sometimes it's the fear in moving beyond what feels comfortable, even if it isn't really what we want.

Other times, it's uncertainty about our direction or purpose, making it simpler and less daunting to stay where we are.

Others can also influence our decision to stay put, either by convincing us that our desires are unattainable or by feeling threatened when we strive for a bigger life.

In the "normal world," it is easier to stay put, stay stuck, stay small.

BUT when you enter the world of your inner power, you see how much you are capable of and how easily you move forward with confidence.

Register for my free workshop "The Inner Power Secret."

In my transformational energy work with women, I'm achieving results that even amaze other energy workers!

The lasting effects that continue to unfold weeks and months after our sessions are truly stunning.

This isn't just about me stepping into more of my power—it's about helping them step into theirs.

I'm honored to be trusted to facilitate this process. 💜

Join me for my free workshop, Friend!

You Rock!


P.S. Many of my clients and friends have wanted their friends to work with me. Here's a GREAT way for them to get a taste of us working together (and you get paid if they become my client). 🤗

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph, Your Inner Power Coach
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Kelly in the media, Yahoo! MSN Prevention, Fox News

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