Subject: How toxic people in your life REALLY affect you, Friend and what to do about them 😉

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Since the end of March, I've been studying how to change my brain for the better, which then changes my body for the better. 🤗

One thing that must happen that I've already done is eliminating toxic people from my life and I know you may need to do that took, Friend.

I certainly learned the hard way, what stress they caused in my life and you may be noticing the same...

Toxic people in your life create stress because they trigger memories and emotions from your past.

You might have toxic people in your life for a variety of valid reasons:

  • you are related to them

  • you've been friends forever

  • you feel obligated to be their friend

  • you need someone to talk to

  • you wouldn't want to hurt their feelings by exiting the friendship

If you are with people you have nothing in common with or can't be yourself around (that's how I tell if I need to exit), it's a sign they aren't for you.

FACT: You can limit or eliminate time with them OR protect yourself energetically so you won't have the same response to them if you must be together.

Here's how stress (including from being around toxic-to-you people) really affects you!

When you are in stress mode, your body is sending all of its energy and focus to help you run, fight or hide.

Since you're just sitting there stressed, and continue to find one stress after another, and your body isn't moving (as in fighting or running), that energy is going crazy in a closed system without an exit... other than illness.

Your energy for healing, healthy digestion, meaningful relationships and friendships or gratitude and happiness to create something better is tied up in knots, slamming around like it's in a cage without a door!

You're in SURVIVAL mode. And your body was designed to be in survival mode for very short periods of time - until you were safe from the tiger or made it to the shore without drowning.

Then, it's programmed to calm down and go back into balance, into homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the ability of living organisms to maintain a stable internal environment in response to external changes. It's a self-regulating process that keeps the body's physical and chemical conditions within a set range, allowing the body to function properly and survive.

Most people are in stress/survival 24/7 and your body gets addicted to that feeling because it's "normal" and anything else feels uncomfortable.


You can release old trapped emotions so they stop getting triggered.

  • How would it feel to be around someone who used to be uncomfortable and suddenly, after an hour or so on the phone with me, they aren't?

  • What if you feel just fine about them and can be together or work with them easily with a smile on your face, completely protected from their energy?

  • OR you can release them from your life by changing YOUR energy dynamic with them and have THEM leave on their own?

Friend, does this sound like something you want to do? It is my specialty and what I've been doing since 1984. I know! I look too young for that, huh? 😄 I'm happy to talk with you about it.

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Your life is waiting.😊 Simply reply to this email and look for my personal response in your inbox. We can discuss what's possible for you and how to get there from where you are now.

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph, Your Inner Power Coach
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Kelly in the media, Yahoo! MSN Prevention, Fox News

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