Subject: "How could I be worthy of anything after this?" she wondered. A powerful story, Friend. ⌛💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock
Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

My client and dear friend contacted me, sounding completely unlike herself.

Guilt had permeated every aspect of her life.

Sometimes it was a loud presence in her heart and mind, while at other times it was a silent, internal battle that left her emotionally shattered and drained of confidence.

"How could I be worthy of anything after this?" she wondered. "Who am I to still be here after what I've done?"

She was devastated.

Her adult daughter had suffered a miscarriage, and my client was convinced she was to blame.

In reality, there was nothing she had said or done that could have influenced this tragic event.

That didn't matter... the guilt ran deep, impacting every area of her life negatively.

We tapped into her inner power and discovered what triggered profound guilt and sadness from her past.

Once these emotions were released (without her having to relive or re-feel anything), all self-blame disappeared immediately and she was able to grieve naturally.

Register for my free workshop "The Inner Power Secret."

She gained a calm understanding of the purpose of this circumstance for her, her daughter, and her unborn grandchild.

Had these emotions been left inside her instead of released, my client would have carried them into every part of her life and future forever.

This is what happens with emotional baggage, even if we believe we've "let it roll off our back" or "swept it under the rug."

It cannot truly disappear until it is safely and calmly released from the subconscious mind. (That's my specialty.)

Friend, I'm going to share how we release negative emotions instead of letting them create our future by default in my free workshop, The Inner Power Secret, next week.

Register for my free workshop "The Inner Power Secret."

If you have already registered, I look forward to seeing you there and encourage you to invite a friend. 🙂

You Rock!


P.S. See you Mon. or Tues. or BOTH, Friend🤗 Register free here.

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph, Your Inner Power Coach
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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