Subject: Be heard and get your boundaries respected by next week, Friend ⏰

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Turn on your images, you're missing things! From stuck and stressed to clear and confident...

Hi Friend,

We’ve all felt unheard before.

Sharing our expertise at work and being overlooked.

Having our boundaries trampled by a significant other or family member.

Giving instructions only to have people do exactly the opposite of what we want.

Or never getting our expectations met and wondering why we bother to have any.

It can feel defeating, frustrating and disempowering.

A simple fact is that there are 3 words you use daily that give your power away.

Yes words.

That doesn’t mean getting overlooked, feeling unheard or having your boundaries disrespected or expectations unmet is your fault.

We all do it because we were never taught differently.

Our parents didn’t know...

Dr. Phil doesn’t know…

The TV show 20/20 doesn’t seem to know either.

But YOU will know next Tues or Thurs and be able to get better results just by switching the words you use.

Grab your ticket HERE.

Imagine having people eager to meet your expectations and feeling more connected and valuable.

Feel what it would be like to have your boundaries respected so you feel safe and important.

See yourself getting your point across the first time and feeling heard and seen.

Visualize your self-confidence and body image improve because you’ve switched your self-talk from unintentionally defeating to empowering!




Kelly 💖

P.S. Once you get your ticket, forward this email with someone you care about so they can feel more in-charge of their life and self-confidence as well. 🤗

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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