Subject: 😍 Surprise Healing in my 1-hr workshop - read Lisa's story, Friend and join me tonight ⏰

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

When I work with a woman's inner power, amazing and unexpected things happen! 🥰

Lisa attended one of my powerful, paid 1-hour workshops and experienced healing, even though healing wasn't the workshop's focus! (Read her story below.)

Curious about how this works, Friend? Join me tonight for my FREE workshop, The Inner Power Secret.

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To ensure you feel comfortable sharing, and receiving coaching (if you like) this is a private, powerful, and SAFE space. That's why there won't be a replay.

Attending LIVE is where the magic happens, like it did for Lisa, who will be there tonight. Join us! 🥰

Register for my FREE workshop

Lisa and Kelly Rudolph success story

Surprise Workshop Healing Story + Eleven-Month Update

July 23, 2023:

I’ve suffered from a fear of success my whole life and realized how much it had become self-sabotage.

Kelly's workshop came at the perfect time.

Little did I know it would also heal the neck pain I'd had for a year that had become progressively worse.

The pain left instantly, and my mobility returned immediately! I’m fascinated that the workshop was only an hour long, just $27, and was about stopping self-sabotage yet it had such a profound impact on my physical body.

I love that Kelly’s work is simple, quick and effective and even exceeds her own expectations! - Lisa in California

UPDATE June 25, 2024: The pain has has never returned! 🤗

Register for my FREE workshop

You Rock! 💜


P.S. Many of my clients and friends have wanted their friends to work with me. Here's a GREAT way for them to get a taste of us working together. 🤗 You can share THIS link with them:

Kelly Rudolph, Positive Women Rock

Kelly Rudolph, Your Inner Power Coach
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Kelly in the media, Yahoo! MSN Prevention, Fox News

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