Subject: Who do you think you are


Who do you think you are?

Whoever you think you are, you are probably not that. Or better said, you are so much more than who you think you are.

Most of the people who are unfulfilled at work are unfulfilled because they chose their work based on what they are capable to do but not necessarily what they enjoy doing.

People enjoy their work when they feel a sense of mastery.

Work is so much joyful when you use your strengths.

But the challenge is: we don't know our strengths most of the time.

Other people do. And if we are lucky, they tell us.

Even in this case, you might reject that it is a strength. I have seen it happening to participants in the career workshops I conducted. "That can't be a strength, everybody can do it". No. Nobody else in the workshop could do THAT.

To have more fulfillment at work, you can increase awareness of your strengths and use them more. And to increase your awareness, you can ask others.

That is one of the things we will do in the Unwrap Your Gifts launch retreat.

Unwrap Your Gifts is the launch retreat for the book "The Gift of Being Unfulfilled at Work" and you are very welcome to join it. It takes place this Sunday at 4 PM Munich time

Get your FREE Ticket here.

If you can't make it, register anyway, so you will receive the recording afterwards.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.



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