Subject: When you need to listen to your own advice

I needed to be with my own fear :)

In Turkish we have a saying: "A tailor cannot sew his own rip". The corresponding English proverb is "Cobbler's children have no shoes". Both mean that one cannot help oneself with her own expertise.

Why am I writing about this? Because I experienced something this week that made me use my own teaching from this week's podcast:) But contrary to the proverbs above, I benefited from what I "preached" because it is not about fixing or correcting, it is about how to be with.

This week I received homework from my coach: Create a list of everyone you know, even a little bit. Then write a "shitty first draft" of an email that you will send to them to tell them about your business and ask who they know who needs this.

I froze. I felt the cold breath of fear behind my neck. And I let the fear speak. I journaled what it said and it was telling me I will bother people. It might partially be right, but what if it actually served people? How would communication be that takes the common good and recipient in the center? I had ways of doing that. The fear had a say but also my own wisdom.

That is how to "deal with fear". Rather than acting with its guidance, we listen to it, verify what is true and valuable, but only act from our wise selves.

In some situations, this can get tricky but there we have our support systems.

I talked about all these in this week's episode.

In the podcast, I gave the fear a name. How would you name your fear? And what is your fear telling you now?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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