Subject: Something crystallising...

inviting you to lead and ground yourself in your own goodness


In my last email, I had shared my experience with a nervous breakdown.

That experience, however difficult it felt, brought me lots of gifts: realigning with my purpose, and seeing the love that was available to me and to us all.

It also opened a new kind of awareness where I discovered new books and teachings and something new started crystallizing.

I am still reflecting on it and letting it come but I want to share with you the first bits...

Anyone with a problem has the potential to be a revolutionary, a leader, a warrior if she turns this problem into an aspiration and for the good of all.

I have been interested in the area of work and I want to help people who are unfulfilled at work to create work they love. These people usually find themselves at fault for feeling that way. (I did too). But they are the ones who are mobilized internally for a change needed in the system. If they keep exploring the question of fulfilling work, voice their experience with an intention of creating a better experience for all including themselves, and call others (all stakeholders) in for co-creation, they can lead a change in the organizations they are in. When they do that, they benefit themselves, their colleagues, their managers, and their organizations.

Our individual "problems" are invitations to step in for an upward change. And we are all capable of leading this change. We just need to make a courageous step forward and speak up.


While thinking all these, these words came from my heart:

It is an infinite game.

You are becoming.

Your pain is real.

You deserve to enjoy your work.

You deserve to experience meaning.

It is possible to do work you love and live abundantly.

The life in you wants to be alive.

The light in you wants to keep on burning.


I am not the only one that experiences a rush of emotions. I heard from my coachees and friends that they are struggling too.

When emotions are strong, everything can get shaky but we have always a ground: which is our own goodness. We can ground ourselves in our own goodness by coming back to our bodies.

In the most recent episode of Unique Careers, Unique Lives podcast, I shared these practices.

Listen or read the transcript here.

And let me know, how are you?

How can I be of help?



Işıl Uysal Calvelli

Whenever you’re ready, I am here to jump on a call with you to support you find and doing the work you love so that you feel fully alive.


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