Subject: Life, Cats and Acronyms

A conversation about the difficulties of life, how we can approach it with joy and how we can think


It's been a while since I had recorded my last podcast - it was September!

I love speaking, I love the inspiration that comes via a conversation. It is magic!

As I care about it so much, I put pressure on myself about how it should be in the RIGHT WAY. And as the BIG CAPITAL LETTER BOYS OF RIGHT entered into the field, the inspiration got scared and hid in the corner. I stopped doing the podcast altogether.

I got reconnected with the magic of the conversation on the first day of this new year 2022.

We woke up to a sunny and surprisingly very warm morning here in Munich and we went for a walk in Westpark, a beautiful park nearby.

When I say we, I am meaning, my husband Fabio and me.

As we were walking, we felt huge gratitude to the world. Nature reminded us of abundance. We felt safe to share what was in our hearts and what we feared. We embraced each other with our words. It felt magical. And I wanted to capture this conversation.

I asked Fabio to record an episode with me. And we did.

We talked about the difficulties of life, how we can approach it with joy and how we can think.

Fabio got creative and made an acronym to summarize good thinking.

I got all fired up and spoke a lot and passionately about life, money "problems" and containers.

Our cats also wanted to be part of it and meowed here and there. They also made come catcidents.

All this you can listen to in the latest episode of Unique Careers, Unique Lives podcast.

And if you'd like, you can also watch it:)

We recorded a video of us while we were talking.

I hope you have a wonderful start to 2022 where you allow yourself to be you in every way and embrace yourself and your life and your people.



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