Subject: Let's shake things up...

Seminars, workshops and movement!


No mud, no lotus.

Your mess is your message.

You get down to get up.

All these sentences can describe my state in the past months. I needed time of calm, for new movement, and now something new is cracking.

I have a lot to share with you.

In this newsletter, you will read

1. A New Conviction of Mine and a Seminar about it

2. One new episode about support for your career change

3. Upcoming Workshops and Programs (Yay!)

4. Something that I started doing, which you are very welcome to join

Let's begin!

Doing the work you love is an evolving journey.

You make choices (mistakes), learn more about yourself through these mistakes, develop a deeper ability of inner reflection because of previous moments of hurt, start paying attention to moments of joy and flow and enrich your self-awareness about what you love doing and what you care about which allows you to make better choices progressively.


And there is a big BUT here.

We are not separate from the world and systems we live in.

Our ability to love our work is in relationship with the system our work is part of.

That makes things challenging because our systems are not always aligned with what we care about and what we define as "good."

That was the reason why I dropped out of a system: the corporate one. And probably you have considered doing that, too.

Reflecting more and more about that, I think dropping out does not also solve our problem- it might do individually- for the short term. But for continuous growth and expansion (even individually), we need better systems. And it is possible. These systems are already in place, maybe very small in numbers but they exist.

Having explored this topic I now say "A good (corporate) job is not Utopia!" I will share why I came to this conclusion in a seminar and we can talk about how we can realize it and benefit from it individually.

You can learn more about this seminar and register here.

Have you listened to the latest episode of the Unique Careers, Unique Lives podcast?

I had recorded it a month ago but never shared it.

It is called Best Support for Career Change, where I talk about how to overcome resistance through setting your support system which I named, inspired by Barney Stinson from the series "How I Met Your Your Mother" "3-piece-suit".

I also held an online keynote speech about it recently which you can watch on the episode page on the website.

Upcoming Workshops and Programs

(All Berlin time)

30 June 7 PM - Seminar: A Good Job is Not Utopia

I already talked about this in the beginning🙂

8 July 5 PM - Workshop: Unlock Your Career Creativity

This was a highly requested workshop to generate career options creatively. (I will run this workshop in Turkish too, see below)

11 July - 18 July - 25 July 5PM - Program: Ignite Your LifeWork

Group program following the guidance of the book "The Gift of Being Unfulfilled at Work"

14 July 6 PM - Workshop (TR): Kariyer Yaratıcılığını Geliştir

Bu workshop'ta yaratıcılığınızı harekete geçirip yeni iş alanları bulacaksınız.

Learn more about all of these programs here.

Reflection on a big question through movement

Recently I was inspired by the question "How does life want to be lived through you?" and I decided to explore this question every day through dance.

We are most of the time in our heads and missing the wisdom of our bodies. Dance for me is a way to synchronize all energies: body, mind, and subtle energies.

I go live with this question on Instagram every day. You can watch the previous lives here and join me in the next one (maybe dancing?)

An Inspiration before goodbye

"Life is not asking us to become anything that is not seeded in us." - Frederic Laloux

Lots of love to you!


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