Subject: I need your help (again:) )


Dear friends,

I need your help to spread the word about the launch retreat I am hosting this Sunday at 4 PM.

It is for people who are unfulfilled at work to ​unchain themselves from the past story of their unfulfillment and get inspired to take action toward the work they love.

We will have meditation together, reflect on our personal experiences and have deep exchanges in small groups. I will record the part in the main room and share with people who had signed up for the event.

The registration link is

I posted the call for spreading the word also on my Facebook wall, on my LinkedIn profile and on Instagram. You can share my posts on these platforms. Also your comments under these posts help enormously for the visibility of the posts.

Thank you very much for your help.

And if you'd join yourself, I am looking forward to seeing you there.



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