Subject: Hello from the other side... of a nervous breakdown

Yep, I recently had a nervous breakdown. Quite an experience... and a precious one


I recently had a nervous breakdown.

A letter from my health insurance triggered an immense state of fear which became a full-body experience and lasted for days.

I had to take my own advice to attend to my body, being with my emotions.

I had to remember what I said in the previous episode of the podcast about the book "On Becoming an Alchemist": how difficult life experiences can be alchemical processes. The gold out of my experience was remembering how precious are the people in my life. I feel connected to them more than ever.

I remembered how important the work I want to do in this world was to me: a wholehearted abundant life doing work you love.

I remembered how the body wants to be respected and cared for.

If you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions, it is okay. Feel no shame. This is part of your life experience. Something is being born from this experience. Something is ending, something is beginning. Something new is revealing itself. You can be with it. (But you don't have to do it alone).

But please, care for yourself. Attend to your body. Rest well. Eat well. Talk with your loved ones, let them hear you, talk to you, embrace you. Let yourself feel cuddled by them. Move your body, if you can. Care for your body, allow your mind space. There is nothing wrong with you, you are going through an experience of life.

In the latest episode of Unique Careers, Unique Lives I am sharing the learnings from my nervous breakdown.

May you be well, may you love your life experience.



P.S. As I was writing you these words, a friend advised me to look into Amanda Gorman's article in New York Times. She has a wonderful take on fear. I took screenshots of these parts.

Işıl Uysal Calvelli

Whenever you’re ready, I am here to jump on a call with you to support you find and doing the work you love so that you feel fully alive.


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