Subject: For the ones who feel and think a lot...

Asking "Why do I feel this way?" does not help but a different approach is possible


What are you doing these days when 2021 is coming to an end?

Maybe you are reviewing the past year, maybe you are resting a little - which is a fantastic idea - maybe you are preparing for 2022.

Maybe you are thinking a lot; at times overthinking, at times you find yourself in despair and stress, and you want to understand why you feel this way.

If that's you, I hope what I have to share with you gives you a new and refreshing perspective.

I thought a lot about whether I should or should not send this email.

Because here (in Germany), everybody is in Christmas mood and the all conversation is about holidays. It felt like if I wanted to send an email, that should be about holidays, or else I could just stay silent.

But I think what I want to share with you is important, even during the holiday time.

It is for those who feel and think a lot.

It is for those who don't want to feel so much

It is for those who continue to feel the same even though they think a lot

It is an article called Not the Mind but the Body.

I am curious about this article makes you think. Would you share with me?

May you have wonderful days where you embrace your own reality lovingly and with ease.

And Merry Christmas if you are celebrating, and happy holidays if you have them.



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