Subject: Finding your uniqueness...

Do you know what you really love?

When I was deep in unfulfillment with my work, I looked out for help. Every resource was talking about finding my passion.


I did not feel passionate about anything.

The alternative question was "What do you love doing?"

Reading books, walking in the streets of the vibrant city?

These were not really helpful.

I could not find what I really loved.

I had made my work choices, and previously choices of study based on practicalities. I did not really have to ask myself what I loved.

Did I love my work? I knew the parts that made me depressed, what about the parts that enjoyed, that I was okay about? I did not pay much attention.

We are trained to fit it and find safety, our unique desires, inclinations, our quirky parts get covered with habits and learned ways of being.

Only if we can pause these layers we can see our uniqueness.

I am talking about that pause in this week's episode.

In this episode I am asking you to more than listen, I am asking you to actively participate in a guided experience. You will find it in minute 13:00

If you want more of this experience, reply to this email and let me know



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