Subject: Career is misleading

The word career is associated with pay and corporate ladder...

When I used to call myself a career coach, people used to approach me for getting the next best job or making a 10-year career plan so they can climb up the corporate ladder.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Career is so much more than that.

Career is the storyline of all the work you have done, it is the trail you leave.

Not to confuse people any longer, I renamed what I do as LifeWork coach because your work and your life are not separated. You want fulfilling work because you want a fulfilling life.

Your work is more than a means to earn money but a dedicated time to discover who you really are and bring yourself fully to life.

All about this discovery and connection to life is the topic of this week's episode of Unique Careers, Unique Lives.

I have recorded this episode from Izmir, Turkey where my family lives. It is still summer here and nature is loud. You will hear some of these sounds in the background of the podcast. I could eliminate it but as I was talking about how work is part of life, I thought it made sense to make life part of work through these sounds. Let me know what you think.



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