Subject: An invitation for the start of the week

No need to rush. Let us slow down

I wish you a wonderful start to the new week!

(And to February, yay!)

This week whenever you notice you are rushing, I invite you to pause and intentionally slow down.

I love the words from Bayo Akamolafe:

"The times are urgent; let us slow down."

My heart's mentor Janet Harvey shares the same wisdom:

Life gets easier when we slow down a little bit and become generative.

The future is fresh. It starts with now. And we can access the full possibilities by letting go of our past and by letting the future come as it is. We can only do so when we slow down.

I invite you to slow down this week - when you notice you are rushing.

Have a wonderful week!


P.S. Are you coming to the reflect & connect meeting? We will talk about the personal wisdom we received from 2022. You can register for the call here.

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