Subject: ⏰ Time-sensitive and only for you: take action NOW for your happiness

not in two years....

This is a personal message to you:

Here it is also in text:

2 years!

It took me 2 years to see what I needed.

It took me 2 years to understand myself.

It took me 2 years to make the step towards happiness.

I stayed in a state of unfulfillment for two years. Day in and day out.

I spent days at work where I got barely anything done because it felt so meaningless. And I felt guilty for not doing my work, doing what I was paid for. I used brute force on myself to finish the tasks and was left without any energy at the end of the days where I got something done.

I gained weight. A lot of weight. Because that was the only way I knew to re-energize myself, make myself a little happy.

I knew I could not go on like this any longer but I could not find much help. My family and friends although sympathized, did not really understand how I was feeling. The content online that I accessed by googling directed me to concepts like passion that did not work for me. I also took coaching and joined online courses but I just went tiny steps forward like a turtle.

I don't want this to happen to you.

I don't want you to stay stuck in unfulfillment and unhappiness for 2 years.

I want to be there for you and help you to gain clarity NOW about what you need and what the steps are to move towards it.

For this, I have opened slots for you on my calendar for the next two weeks.

I am letting you know first before making it public next week because that was my promise to you. You are always the first one to know, you are my Inner Circle.

If you feel unfulfilled at work and you want to change that and do it faster and stronger, let's make that happen.

Book your slot here.

I am looking forward to talking to you and planning with you your wonderful journey of happiness at work and in life.



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