Subject:  be sure to never drink this! Instead do what I have done for 35 years!


I want to help you get more facts ...

                                    ..... and give you steps to take charge of your health.


I don't want to scare you. But this is an urgent message.

First, I will share some facts, so you get a quick overview of the problem, and then I will share with you a solution, so you can be safe and healthy!

You know I normally bring uplifting news and inspire you with things you can do for your well-being and your health.

Today, I really need to urgently bring your attention to something that most of us try to ignore, which is the condition of the water in our nation.

If you are still drinking tap water, or even bottled water, you need to read my letter today.

What most of us don't know is that

  • 1) our municipal water treatment systems are not able to keep up with filtering out the medicines that find their way into the sewage. Just imagine what that means to the water you're drinking.

As of today, most wastewater treatment plants lack the capability to remove pharmaceutical residues entirely. euronews

  • 2) The same applies to bottled water.

About 25% of U.S. bottled water sold is purified municipal water according to a four-year study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Both, Aquafina from PepsiCo and Dasani from The Coca-Cola Company originate from municipal water systems. Wikipedia

  • 3) Furthermore, most people think that the Fluoride (that is added to tap water for drinking) is healthy.

Actually, it has been proven to calcify the pineal gland, which has to do with melatonin production and the regulation of your sleep cycles.

Initial studies on animals showed that fluoride accumulation in the pineal gland led to reduced melatonin production and an earlier onset of puberty. NIH 

There are so many details you should know about Floride, I urge you to take a look at this article from the NIH  And you can read more here  Facts about Floride


I want to help you get more facts ...

                                    ..... and give you steps to take charge of your health.

CALL me today and take action right now!

 Office (360) 387 5713 PSD time

WhatsApp (360) 202 0001


I am looking forward to hearing from you!

yours Ilona Selke

CEO of Living From Vision

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