Subject: Friend my personal advice for protection against water hackers!

Dear Friend

I want to send some amazing videos from our recent trip to the world-class diving site in Indonesia called RAJA AMPAT.

The videos I will share with you down below will take you on a little vacation in your mind.

I but before I do that, also have an urgent message 

and it is about our drinking WATER

I just read the news from America that hackers have hacked the water systems in a town of America / Florida.

We all know that viruses and bacteria are getting into the waterway every single day.

Our water safety is not only in the hands of our municipal system, it foremost has to be our own responsibility.

Yes of course the municipal water systems clean our water and recycle our waste-water.

However, most of us know, that the water we drink is not all that clean, even bottled water isn't.

In the end, it is our personal responsibility to make sure that we DO something about the safety of our water.

Firstly, I want you to watch this video,

 it is utterly important right now:

 Whether you are concerned about

  •  the chlorine in the water,

  • or if you are buying bottled water,

  • or if you're concerned about polluting the planet with more plastic,

  •  or if you're tired of lugging water,

  • or if you're concerned about what kind of waste goes into your municipal system,

  • or what kind of water you use for boiling your spaghetti

  • or what kind of water you use to rinse your beans,

… Then I would like you to take a look at my website which explains to you how you can protect yourself.

There are 3 different options one for everyone.
There is the budget option, there is the safe and tried-and-true option, and the absolute certain option (which is what we use here in Bali.)

Because here in Bali we face contaminants from farmers, that Leach into the groundwater from livestock, we use a UV filtration system together with the 3-stage solid carbon filter.

 All of these filters are supplied by Mulitpure,

and you can find the perfect solution for your home.


 And now for the fun part!


Yes, there will be a time when you too can be traveling again!

Honestly, I believe a lot of it has to do with what we focus on, on a daily basis. There is always a way.

A friend of mine was traveling through Italy in October at the height of the last biggest scare, and was teaching seminars in Europe! She came back to Bali, all in one piece and dancing. Mind you she is 75 already.

She is a dreamer!

So this is what I dreamt about.

One morning when doing my Living from Vision morning meditation (Living From Vision | ILONA SELKE ONLINE SCHOOL) I was imagining standing on the white sand beach, with turquoise water in front of me.

And in the depth of my heart, I said: THIS IS WHAT I WANT

A couple of hours later we were invited on this amazing tour on a liveaboard boat for 12 days at 50% the cost.

We said yes instantly, and the rest is history! Last week we just got back from the trip.

 Here are some of the videos that I can share with you

Take a trip in your mind and fly with me through the waters with the amazing videos that Don created.

You could be here too!

Start dreaming. Come to Bali!

You can get six-month visas right now actually.

And by the way, in front of Our Retreat Center SHAMBALA,

we have amazing diving and snorkeling as well.

 I'll send you 2 more videos in my next round letter, so keep your eyes open.

I'm sending you love from Bali and would love to hear from you.

And I hope hope hope that every single person who reads this letter gets a water filter.

Please do yourself the favor.

Go visit

Yes, of course, I'm selling them, (I've been doing that since 1986 and you can read about my story on my website) but for only pennies a day you can ensure the safety of drinking water and have peace in your heart and mind.

And I am absolutely convinced that every person these days needs a water filter at home.

Please take care of your health!

With love yours Ilona

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