Subject: Friend, do You Dare to Be You? Learn how - with me on this Summit

Do you know how to Date To Be You?
Join me on this new SUMMIT
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As you can see, I am participating in a lot of different summits, and in each one I answer questions that are specific to the summit.

Join me on this summit and listen to the broad spectrum of teachers sharing their best knowledge about confidence and daring to be oneself.

In those rare quiet moments, do you ever stop and think, “There’s got to be more to life”? Do you find yourself feeling stuck in the daily grind, wishing for escape, and longing for a completely different life?
Michaela Lehner is on a mission to help you break out of any self-limiting rut!
She’s hosting a complimentary interview series, 
Dare to be YOU:
 Discover what Really Matters to You
 and Start Living Your Dream Life

It brings together 21 personal development experts, including me.

We’re sharing our advice about getting crystal clear on what you want, and then, how to get “unstuck,” so you can start moving toward it!
The interview series begins
FRIDAY, March 1st, 2019
Reserve your complimentary spot, HERE
When you go to the link above and sign up to join us for this series of powerful conversations.
You’ll learn practical tools and strategies you can begin using right away to determine what your version of a dream life is AND how to begin making changes that allow you to live it.
Specifically, you can expect to learn:

  How to identify and break free from patterns of self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs, so you can finally begin creating the change you want—and deserve.

    The importance of learning how to listen to your inner guidance, so you can make choices that reflect your deepest desires and therefore bring you the greatest joy.

    What you must do on your journey of self-discovery, so your thoughts lead to the tangible change and life you love, without you repeating the same patterns over and over again, that keep you stuck.

  Steps to take to break out of society’s rules and create a life that reflects who you are, deep down.And so much more.

In short, you’ll walk away with valuable insights, actionable steps, and access to tools you can use to get unstuck, get clarity on what’s important to you, and take action to create the change you desire!

Michaela is the perfect person to host this interview series. 

She followed society’s traditional path: get a good education, find a good job, and work hard to move up the ladder. 

From the outside, it looked like she had it all. 
But over the years, she realized her life was way out of balance: she felt empty and miserable.

She knew something needed to change … she wanted the freedom to travel the world while making a difference, but fear and the fact that she didn’t know how to make the leap while paying her bills kept her stuck.
She couldn’t just stop working; there were bills to pay! 
But she knew she had to take action.

So she did.
She wants you to have the life of your dreams, too, and that’s why she created this amazing interview series, Dare to be YOU. 
I’m happy to be included as a speaker and will share with you steps that are needed to create a dream life!
Join us starting March 1. Reserve your complimentary spot here:
Live your #dreamlife.
 Get expert advice in a #free interview series. 

Join us here: 

This is where you’ll discover the difference between people who seem to just have it all, and those who remain stuck.
YOU can have a DREAM LIFE. I will share with you HOW TO DO THAT.
Can’t wait to “see” you on the series.
Yours in love and support,
Ilona Selke

P.S. The first step to changing your life is to take action! Take action now and get your complimentary ticket by registering here for

Dare to be YOU: 
Discover what Really Matters to You 
and Start Living Your Dream Life 
(remember, it begins FRIDAY on March 1st, 2019)
P.O. Box 1530, Stanwood, WA 98292, United States
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