Subject: test video mail

test video mail

July 25th, 2023 at 10:14 pm CEST

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Experts Sharing Secrets To Create A Thriving Life

July 25th, 2023 at 5:35 am CEST

Do this one thing this summer! View online and share this newsletter using this linkGreat Tip On What you Still Can Do This Summer! I will share a short video something personal!Click here to get your free ticket atTime to Thrive! - ...

Das must du jetzt noch machen! Tips für den Sommer und tolle Offerten!

July 25th, 2023 at 4:04 am CEST

Hier ONLINE anschauen, wenn sich der Newsletter nicht richtig öffnetLiebe/r, FriendWie geht es dir jetzt diesen Sommer? Machst du das, wonach deine Seele dich ruft?Weiter unten erzähle ich dir eine süsse Geschichte von uns im Moment.Und auch weite ...

Experts Sharing Secrets To Create A Thriving Life

July 10th, 2023 at 6:41 am CEST

- Join me this summer for free - View online and share this newsletter using this linkGreat NEWS and, great LEARNING THIS SUMMER, and FREE GIFTS for YOU!Click here to get your free ticket atTime to Thrive! - All and Dear Fri ...

Meine persönliche Einladung zum Online-Kongress “ Krise als Chance deines Lebens!

June 7th, 2023 at 8:49 am CEST

Hier ONLINE anschauen, wenn sich der Newsletter nicht richtig öffnetLiebe/r, Friendes ist soweit! Die Zeit holt uns ein!Wir leben in einer brisanten Zeit und wir brauchen einen klaren Kompass in uns, Kraft und auch Perspektive, um unsere nächsten S ...

REPLAY LINK!! What is QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING? Join my husband in a breathtaking interview

May 28th, 2023 at 2:42 pm CEST

View onlineDear friends and readers, dear Friend Here is the REPLAY LINK for the interview Don gave two days ago.In case you missed it, and wanted to listen, here you can.CLICK HEREIf you wonder what the fuss is all about, and why 200.000 people list ...

CORRECTED DATE!!! What is QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING? Join my husband in a breathtaking interview

May 23rd, 2023 at 6:32 am CEST

View onlineDear friends and readers, dear Friend Did you know that Don, my husband, and I went on a Walk-About in Spring of 1986, to look for a Time-Travel Machine? If you have listened to my stories on YouTube you may recall the extraordinary event ...

What is QUANTUM ENERGY HEALING? Join my husband in a breathtaking interview

May 22nd, 2023 at 4:13 pm CEST

View onlineDear friends and readers, dear Friend Did you know that Don, my husband, and I went on a Walk-About in Spring of 1986, to look for a Time-Travel Machine? If you have listened to my stories on YouTube you may recall the extraordinary event ...

Discovering the Magic of Dolphins: Lessons for Humans, with Meditation by Ilona Selke

May 6th, 2023 at 4:49 pm CEST

View onlineDolphins are often considered to be magical creatures and for good reason....Dear FriendIf you didn't get a chance to attend the Dolphin Meditation on WESAK Full Moon, but I wanted to give you the recording.You know, Dolphins are often con ...