Subject: Friend Soul as our Sacred Mirror, Octopus as our future teacher, all in the VIDEO NEWSLETTER by Ilona Selke

Friend Soul as our Sacred Mirror, Octopus as our future teacher, all in the VIDEO NEWSLETTER by Ilona Selke

October 11th, 2020 at 1:30 pm CEST

View onlineDear Friend Welcome to my latest video-newsletter with updates for new opportunities for growth in love relations, embodied enlightenment, and making this Earth a more beautiful planet. I am sure you will agree that the news is bad enough ...

Friend Deine Sonntgsmeditation und Video Wie lebst du als multidiimensionales Wesen auf Erden?

October 1st, 2020 at 8:47 am CEST

View online Tue dir was Gutes! Sonntags Meditation am 4. October 2020 um 10 Uhr JETZT INFORMIEREN Mit liebsten Grüßen aus Bali zum VollmondHeute ist Vollmond und ich hoffe du nimmst dir Zeit irgendwas Wunderschönes heute Abend zu machen. Ob du dic ...