Subject: How visualization can help you with weight loss

Dear Friend

This winter Don and I went to Germany for Christmas and New Year's to visit family and friends. My German aunt was in her last month of living on this plane, so we made sure we went to Germany.

BUT... what do we do a lot when we visit family and friends?

Right, we often indulge in rich foods, and sometimes forget about our health goals.

A few years ago my uncle said in front of my entire family: "Ahh Ilona, now you look a little bit more.... womanly."

Well, I know what he meant by that. That was embarrassing.

That is when I used imagery and the Living From Vision course to loosing 11 Kg, which is about 24.5 lbs. I took one year.

I celebrated my final win by posting my new Biki Look at age 61 on FB.

That's why we wanted to share with you a great blog article about weight loss that can help you get back on track. The article has great tips and tricks to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

This winter, back with family and friends in Germany, I gained a little back and immediately went to visioning and keeping an eye on my amount of food, when I got back to Bali. Today I celebrated 3.4 lbs less!!!! YES!

I hope you'll find it helpful and motivating.

So, why not take a few minutes to read it now? You can access the article by clicking on the link below.

I hope you are striving towards your health goals and if you need help to get started, read the above Blog article.

with love from Bali

yours Ilona

P.S.: in case you missed my VALENTINES NEWSLETTER, here it is again

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