Subject: Do you love Dolphins & Whales?

Healing the World in Partnership with Dolphins & Whales

September 5-9, online everywhere, Free!

The Souls of the Sea Summit is almost here!

The Souls of the Sea Summit is a gathering of over 20 of the world's top spiritual dolphin and whale experts who will be sharing their wisdom and ways to help you dive into partnership to help heal the world with the dolphins and whales, even if you live far from the ocean.

My good friend and Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Expert, Anne Gordon created this powerful summit to help you open up and deepen your spiritual connection with the dolphins and whales you love so much. 

Each speaker will be sharing stories of their incredible experiences of playing, swimming, connecting, and healing with dolphins and whales in both the physical and spiritual realms.

Listening to these stories evokes a sense of pure magic and you are going to fly high from them!

The best part is that it is all completely free to attend!

Sign up here to attend this powerful event…

A magical story about our encounter with RUFFLES

Just before we started the interview Ann and I had a little chat and found out that both of us had been blessed with an encounter of the Super-pod of 3 Orca pods, namely the pods called J and K and L, which inhabit the waters near Orcas Island in Washington State in the US.

On our respective birthdays, years apart, both of us came close to the Orca named Ruffles, named after the fin looking rather like ruffles, as you can see in the photo above.

On my birthday when Don and I had decided to go be with the orcas near orcas island since we live up in the waters there, we found ourselves surrounded not only by one of the local resident pods but by all three of them.

These resident orcas that visit the waters surrounding San Juan Island are known as the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SWKW) and are comprised of three different pods (J, K, and L) containing 84 individuals as of fall 2015.

As if that was not enough magic to have three parts show up all at the same time, one very special orca by the name of Ruffles, open parents see the photo above) bee-lined towards the sailboat that I was on, from about 200 yards away.

When he arrived from 200 yards away he dove straight underneath of our boat, right where I stood.

AND to make it even more magical, before Ruffles dove under, he blew up a large plume of fishy-smelling air, giving me a kiss on my birthday.

As Ann and I were chatting before our interview I found out that the same thing had happened to Anne on her birthday, another year. She too had the three super pods convene on her birthday and she too had gotten blessed by the presence of Ruffles.

I loved how we shared this magical synchronous moment, which was a meaningful event in our life today, prior to the interview.

So of course having been blessed with a connection with the Superpod on both of our respective birthdays, we hit it off and had a great interview.

P.S.: In my secondary interview, you will be given techniques on how to interface with the holographic matrix, which is available to the VIPs.

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