Subject: Do you know about the magical power of Radionics?

Dear Friend

First of all, I want to send you beautiful greetings from spectacular Bali.

A number of friends and clients of ours are moving to settle here in Bali because they've had enough of the current game plan.

More details further down this email.....

The main reason I am writing to you today is that I would really like to share with you about our latest interview that we made to help people deal with the current health situation in a very unique way.

A quick question before I get started: Do you know about Radionics?

After watching this 20 minutes you will be able to say you now know!

Einstein called it: Spooky action at a distance!

In the video below, I interview Don Paris (Ph.d.hc) about this spooky action at a distance, about how this can affect the wellness and health of plants and humans across the world, independent of distance.

Today I want to introduce you to the concept of Spooky Action At Distance, something that our quantum scientists are currently just understanding and able to make use of it. But most normal mortals don't know about it.

I want you to see with your own eyes what it can do.

Have a look at this information-packed 20-minute video at

Now more about the EXODUS TO BALI

Many people know us either as authors or as the owners of the Shambala Retreat Center here in Bali.

By the way, we have the most fabulous weather here at Shambala, no rain for 9 months!!!

If you wish to come to Bali, let me know and I will help you out with some important answers and links.

We currently are taking long-term guests at Shambala, for 1100 USD per month with all meals, room, garden, and security service, the ocean with snorkeling right outside of Shambala, and of course our luscious gardens.

Let me know if you want more details!

I look forward to helping you... if you have questions feel free to write me!

And I am totally excited to share this information with you!

warm hugs across the oceans

yours Ilona

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