Subject: Discovering the Magic of Dolphins: Lessons for Humans, with Meditation by Ilona Selke

Dolphins are often considered to be magical creatures and for good reason....

Dear Friend

If you didn't get a chance to attend the Dolphin Meditation on WESAK Full Moon, but I wanted to give you the recording.

You know, Dolphins are often considered to be magical creatures, and for good reason.

These intelligent marine mammals have captivated humans for centuries with their playful nature, stunning acrobatics, and their seemingly telepathic abilities.

But what is it that makes dolphins so magical, and what can we as humans learn from them?

One of the most intriguing things about dolphins is their ability to communicate with each other through a complex system of clicks, whistles, and body language.

 This communication is so sophisticated that it suggests a level of intelligence that is on par with, or even surpasses, our own. And then...they appear to be telepathic as well... READ MORE HERE

Enjoy, yours iLona

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