For the next three days, you’ll be getting training from industry leaders on...
The most current and effective marketing strategies for 2019 (I can’t tell you how valuable this is going to be for you)
A tried-and-tested formula for structuring an online course and keeping students engaged. You want your customers to complete your course, get results and share those glowing testimonials that will help you enroll more students, right?
Proven methods for maximizing Facebook and Instagram to really grow your offerings and revenue
A deep-dive into sales funnels and proven strategies that will generate a meaningful income in your business
Develop a visual brand that stands out and attracts your dream customers
Simple strategies to recognize and conquer the mental blocks many creators experience (including doubt, self-sabotage, and procrastination).
And so much more!
Plus there’s an incredible lineup of speakers!
(including former executive producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show,Sheri Salata, Marie Forleo, and Nicole Walters to name a few).