So many people would love to attend ...but ..maybe like you....they can't make it this year.
Here is a solution!
They will be live streaming most of the conference this year.
Right now they have a special price for the whole conference for only $75.00.
Last year they also extended the video viewing for a couple of weeks after the conference, so in case you miss one of the talks, you can catch it later.
To register for the USPA CONFERENCE
go to:
So my husband Don Paris decided that he will video tape his session as well as the Workshop with he renowned Lutie Larsen (who was written up on the MOTHER EARTH NEWS Magazine, for growing vegetables wtih Radioncis) on Monday after the conference and will post the videos when they are edited.
To register for the
We also have an ONLINE Radionic School. If you have not yet checked out the school, go to
Jan van der Est did a 6 month apprenticeship training and video taped the entire training and it will be available along with the new database that will accompany it, very soon.
Lutie Larsen has several courses on agriculture which she is working on and should have some of them ready this summer.
Till next time, all the best...
Don Paris Ph.D. (h.c)
to register for the USPA LIVE STREAMING