Subject: Friend, do you want a more fulfilled life?

Your life and relationship with God
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"In the process of discovering the laws of the holographic universe, you will probably discover that there is a greater source of life that is at the center of all creation. Some call it the Source of All That Is, some call it God, and some people simply call it the Life Force
By learning how to cooperate with the higher laws of the universe, and connecting your goals with the highest source, you will discover that you are much more than a three-dimensional body. You are here on Earth to discover what this greater YOU is about."

Dear Reader,

Do you want a more fulfilled life?
Is there a nagging feeling that just won’t quit and you’re not even quite sure what it is, but you need something different, something more. And I’m not talking more things.
It’s frustrating when things really are ‘pretty good’ but you’re still not feeling fulfilled or clear on your purpose.
Here’s the thing: you do have a purpose and you are meant to BE FULFILLED!
And the answers to moving beyond the nagging feeling on purpose and into fulfillment are all found within you and in your relationship with God. The answers are found in living out your getting clear on, aligning your life around and living out your highest core values … otherwise known as your relationship with God. It’s your life. And you can co-create it and BE fulfilled.
My friend and colleague, Dr. Molly Casey, spiritual coach and chiropractor, eats, sleeps and breathes living aligned with God. As a result, she’s created dramatic shifts in her life and lives a ‘hell-yes’ life! She teaches people how to create fulfillment by getting clear, tangibly and congruently live out their relationship with God in everyday life.
Dr. Molly knows exactly where you are now. She’s been at the point where on the outside everything looks fine but inside there’s a deep yearning for depth, purpose and fulfillment. She’s mastered the art of spotting the misalignments in beliefs, values and ways of living that hold you back from the fulfillment you’re wanting and that is that’s intended for YOU!
She’s created an online event to help folks like you connect with others authentically in dialogue about real, tangible life, God and fulfillment. What it means here and now … not in church on Sundays (although there’s nothing wrong with that) and not what you were taught as a kid. This is about YOU become clearer, owning congruency, taking action in your life and creating fulfillment through living out your relationship with God.

This complimentary virtual event kicks off on November 28th, and brings together over 21 experts (including me!) to share our best tips on creating fulfillment through aligning with and living out your relationship with God.
Skip the reading and sign up to join us, here:

When you go to the link above, and join us for this powerful interview series, you’ll hear personal, real-life stories about how to create fulfillment through aligning with and living out your relationship with God
We’ll tangibly show you how to create gain clarity, create congruency and move closer to a fulfilled life aligned with God!
Join us for these short, inspirational interviews and you’ll also discover:
  • How your level of fulfillment starts and ends with your relationship with God
  • Tangible tools to see the misalignments in your life that are blocking fulfillment
  • Ways to get precisely clear on what your beliefs on God are and what it looks like to live that relationship out in daily life
  • What role your values and congruency play in the equation of fulfillment
  • Why personal responsibility and commitment are deeper and more important than you likely every imagined
  • That life really is about service to and for others
  • And more!
Plus, you’ll have access to special tools and resources from the speakers, carefully chosen to support you during this incredible process of transformation!
Ready to take the first step?

I want you to know, I wholeheartedly believe in what Dr. Molly is doing with this summit! I want to see you live a FULFILLED life … a life of PURPOSE and FREEDOM … the life you DESERVE.
I’m so excited for you to join us!

To your fulfillment and with love,
Yours, Ilona Selke


"DREAM BIG - The Universe Is Listening"

is available on Amazon

Living From Vision
online course


P.O. Box 1530, Stanwood, WA 98292, United States
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