Subject: Friend TIPS for BUSY MOMS- Interview with Ilona Selke

Dear Mom (ok, I do know that you are not my mom, but this one is for MOMS- or a mom you know)

I would like you to meet a friend of mine, who is a law of attraction life coach, taking a stand for living life to the full!

Her name is Amanda Savona,
she is founder of Abundance Life Coaching.

She interviewed me on
The Mum Manifestation Revolution!
to give quick tools
for super busy moms
which they can use
to take care of themselves
their kids
and their inner well  being

Register here
with a complimentary ticket

She is a mum to a 6 year old daughter Katie-Rose and is 7 months pregnant, and it's been quite a fairy tale how she has managed to turn a toxic relationship into a nourishing, healthy, harmonious relationship
She credits this to finding her true purpose in life and having the courage to start her own law of attraction coaching business and completely transforming every area of her life.
She went from working 80 hours a week as a chef, to working 25 hours a week, earning 8 times what she previously earned as a chef. This truly allowed her to discover her passion fully and have time heal her relationship and be a present mother!

Amanda is helping so many mothers over the last 5 years in her coaching business to truly step into their power, and authentically living a life with purpose.

She coaches them tap into their unique gift, find work they love and live a life full of joy by helping them master the law of attraction and reach emotional freedom!

Register here
with a complimentary ticket
to listen in to an interview series

In her day to day life she stays super committed to practicing the tools and techniques that help her master her emotions and tap deeper into her gift.

She is so committed to sharing with other mothers this powerful life changing information, to inspire mothers to live a life with purpose and be an example to their kids to also do the same.

Amanda decided to put together an interview series, bringing together a panel of experts made up from mothers who are living a life in fullness traveling the world, making money, living with purpose and still having time for their families.

Also some other experts like doctors and healers who have all the tips to share that will have you ready to act NOW and step into your soul calling and live in bliss and happiness!!

The result is a panel of 21 experts who will share easy ways to take action and get in the flow of living on purpose and with ease. I am thrilled to announce that I am one of the experts on this panel and super excited to share this with you!

The interview series is called The Mum Manifestation Revolution!

We are all here to inspire you to tap into your unique gift, find work you love and live a life full of joy, without waiting for the right time but doing so now!

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend,

You can register using this LINK

Just so you know, you will be able to watch from your home, office or on the go.

This is for women who want to reach money, time and emotional freedom, and live a life with purpose - but are challenged with the priorities that come from being a career-driven women, along with the calling, responsibility, and desire to be a great mum!!

Register here with a complimentary ticket to this interview series

Here is what is going to be covered in the video interviews-

  • - Tips how to tap into your unique gift
  • - How to take action and start doing work you love
  • - What to do when you're feeling low, how to step back into feeling nourished and fulfilled
  • - True struggles that mum entrepreneurs are experiencing and how to overcome them
  • - What to do when you're feeling guilty of not doing enough or being enough
  • - Live powerful meditation and visualization techniques
  • - Tips from doctors that will leave you feeling healthy and in flow with your body
  • - Strategies to take action on your business ideas today
  • - How as a mum you can take your knowledge,

  • These interviews are REAL, short, honest, direct conversations with mums who are living a life with passion, purpose and focus (because we know how busy you are)!

    So let me ask you this:

    What would it be worth to you to receive the expertise of these experts who are mostly mums, who are all living their life following their passion, living out their true desires and taking focused action to  make an impact?

    As they are ready to share with you their inside stories and secrets!

    The interviews are packed with high value expertise, created for free for us all to share and listen to.
    Register here with a complimentary ticket

    Much Love, from the ALPS in Germany (for another 9 days!)

    yours Ilona

    P.S. In case you're wondering who some of the speakers are, here are a handful of speakers you will hear from:
    Susie Carder, Arielle Ford, Judy Blume, Dr. Kenneth Brown, Dr. Michelle Sands and many more.

    Find out the rest when you click here--
    P.O. Box 1530, Stanwood, WA 98292, United States
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