Subject: Friend REMINDER how to tap into your SOUL FREEDOM. I personally recommend this one!

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Dear Friend

Today on Fullmoon I want to send you a message about Awakening in your Soul.

The last 10 days, I have been teaching a group of German participants how to access their Soul's Diamond and how to be multi-dimensional,  how to be an awake being, and how to be truly radiate more love and light.

Most meditation paths teach about slowing our brainwaves down, 
but now how to rise and how to access the super-consciousness at will.
This is what we have been practicing and it is the magical key!

Soul Freedom means a lot of different things to many people.

Where are you on your journey of the freedom of your soul?
  • Maybe you currently are in transition of expressing more of your soul.

  • Maybe you are already living full freedom, more of your creativity?

  • Or.... possibly you are dreaming of this freedom, wishing it could be true that you had access to your soul and its magnificence.
I absolutely love to bring you worthwhile interviews to you

The subject of soul freedom was one on the forefront of my mind when I was 20 years old.

Flying as a flight attendant at age 20 with the German airline Lufthansa, I did feel sort of captured.

Even though I had wanted to work this job for 2 years to save enough money to go to the University in the USA, I dreamed of my Soul's Freedom.

I recall that I sang this song often while in the air, humming to the tune of the song IN MY SOUL I AM FREE.

And free I became.

By putting soul first I stepped onto my path into fulfillment.
Little did I know that the power of our consciousness is the powerful shaper of our lives.
JOIN ME ON THIS EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY and find out more about how others have achieved their inner & outer freedom....
Piercing the veil of illusion, seeking the Kingdom of God as it says in the Bible, is indeed the most powerful engine creates an enlightened and fulfilled in blissful life.

I read books about meditation, magical stories about how our thoughts create reality, for example the Autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa Yogananda.
I highly recommend reading this book if you happen to.

Understanding the power of your awareness, and piercing the veil of illusion is the #1 step I recommend to really make a shift in your life.

What you will learn from Ilona Selke
• How you can become the director of your life!
• How does your mind interact with matter?
• Why does not everything we focus on manifests and how we can improve our odds!
• How do we create a vision and energize a vision, or how do we make our dreams come true?
• Find out the difference between your higher self and your souls assembly point.
• How do we create new energy fields that attract new realities?

Join me in this summit and discover some more secrets of the universe.

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