Subject: my Gift 4 u

It’s been almost 10 years.

That’s how long I let fear take me away from my purpose.

What if I told you that I hesitated in sharing
this with you?

What if the gift that I’m giving to you right now.

Was once a

Due to my limited vocabulary, poor grammar and dyslexia.

I’ve hesitated for years.

Decades from sharing my message.

Sharing what ultimately makes me different.

Are you doing the same thing?

Is there a
message, purpose or testimony that you could share with someone else?

Could your message possibly have a positive impact on a strangers life?

We all are special.

Every last one of us has a unique journey that others can learn from.

I just hope you don’t make the same mistake I did.

What I am about to share with you

Something that I wrote almost a decade ago.

Please forgive the typos and grammar. That’s still something that I’ve never perfected.

However, I believe that the message and meaning is still impactful.

From my heart to yours!