Subject: mindset 🧠 lifting a Bus 🚎

“Daddy!! Can you lift a Bus?”

My son thinks that I am strongest person in the world.

Yep the world. LOL

Sadly for him … He doesn’t know that many people.

When he asked me this question the first thing that popped up in my head was …

“I can lift anything with enough leverage”


That’s what the key is to everything.

You can do anything with enough leverage.

The only problem is that leverage looks different to everyone.

Financially, leverage doesn’t have to be about lending.

Here’s an

When you have a tooth ache. You can do the work yourself.

Maybe try tying your mouth to the end of a door knob.


You can go to a professional who can make the proper extraction while making the process easier.

And hopefully a lot more pain free.

A great example of this with investing is utilizing a team approach.

The purpose of a team is to leverage the expertise and experiences of others. This helps make the process better.

Leveraging time, network and resources.

So the next time someone ask you “if you can lift a bus?”

You should say …. Absolutely!

I can lift anything with the right leverage.

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” - Archimedes

The truth is that we can all use leverage to get what we want.

One of the greatest resource of levers for me has been

I’ve investing in myself by gaining a coach name John Assaraf.

You may of heard of him.

He’s best known for being one of the contributors for “The Secret”.

As an investor and entrepreneur.

I’ve realized that if I want to do more.

It will always start with what’s between my two ears.

In the next week.

We are having a mindset challenge.

And I want you to be Apart.

I believe this will be a great opportunity to grow and develop.

But ultimately.

Gain leverage.

Click here to learn more about the mindset challenge.