Subject: closed fist 👊

It's literally 11:11 at night as I write you this email. 

My children have tried their best effort to sneak down the stairs into the kitchen. 

As a Father I'm not sure if I should be proud or disappointed 😢?

On a typical day my children will fight over anything. 

A toy

A happy meal

Literally anything. 

So the fact that they were working together on a commando type navy seal mission was pretty impressive. 


That's not what prompted me to write to you. 

I have something more important to discuss. 

The other day we went to the store as a family.  

Without hesitation both had an item under their arm as my wife and I stood at check out. 

My oldest effortlessly gave his item to his mom with the "expectation" of her purchasing it. 

My youngest was the opposite. 

She stood at the check out frozen 🥶 

With her Eyes 👀 as large as quarters. 

She held firmly to her new found toy 🧸 

For some odd reason. She did not want to give her mother the toy. 

Out of fear 😰 of rejection. The possibility that her beloved mother would tell her "no". 

That possibility was so strong 💪🏾 in her young mind that she froze and became immovable. 

"You have to give it to mommy, if you want it" said her older brother. 

You could tell that the concept of "giving" to "receive" what you want didn't fully resonate with her young mind 🧠

But that's how many of us are. 

We think 🤔 that we need to gain new friends without showing ourselves friendly. 

Or that "I'd invest money 💰... if I was making more money"

or  "I'd exercise more if I had the energy"

Not realizing that life is about "give to get" not "get to give". 

For example...

If you choose to exercise anyway you'll immediately begin to get more energy. 

If you begin investing financially with what you have. You'll begin to snowball into more ways, opportunities and creative methods to grow your wealth. 

Giving to receive is as old as the universe itself. 

Technically it's a universal and spiritual law. 

So my question to you is. 

Are you standing at the register of life, hopping to purchase something that you don't have the means of obtaining? Not realizing that the currency (energy) needed is that you "give" first ... then "get" later?

P.S. Pray for me to tonight that they stay in their respective beds and I don't have to tie them down to their pillows. 🥱 lol

P. P. S.
One of mentors John has helped me view life with this proper perspective. Here's another example of how he does that here