Subject: average at BEST!

Let's just call it like it is. 

Some people will always be average. It's not that they're meant to be subpar. 

Their daily actions add up to just that. 

"Habits maketh man..."

If you compound subpar you'll equate the same. 

You who's also "average" at best?

Superman .. aka The Man of Steel!

Yep. On his best day he's just plain ole common. 

What makes Superman so "super" is the sheer fact that he's in a "thriving" environment. 

If he was on his home planet. He's nothing special. 

And maybe this is the case for you too. 

Maybe the reason you're not soaring through the sky's of success, has nothing to do with your ability. 

But everything to do with your environment and external limitations. 

For Superman his power is heightened based on the color of the sun. On Krypton (his home planet) the red sun makes his abilities the equivalent to a standard human. 

Sounds weird?

Well here's a bible verse that will help. 

“Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭6:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In other words, your environment does not appreciate or celebrate you for your gifts/talents/called etc. 

My question to you is this. 

Are you Kal-El (regular kryptonian) or are you Superman (earths super hero)?

When will you choose to wake up from your current environment that no longer serves you?
