Subject: are you 80 or 20?

Wow 😮 

Would you look at that. Half way through the year. 

Is this exactly what you thought it would be?

Can I share something I've learned with you?

I'm apart of an investment club where we normally meet every week virtually. 

The last few weeks we've began to read a book 📕 called the 4-Hour Work Week. 

If you've ever read the book you'll know that it originally was published in April of 2007. 

In the first few chapters the author talks about the parateo principal. 

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity.

So I have a question for you 😊

Since we are midway through the year. 

What have you noticed in your life or your year that correlates to the 80/20 rule?

For myself personally. 

I found that to be an impactful Father. I don't have to be "perfect". 

Instead I can focus 🧘🏽‍♂️ on the 20% activities that will give a massive 80% impact on my Children's lives. 

This could seem minuscule, but ultimately will have a lasting impact on their growth and development. 

So me choosing to stop my schedule and prioritize picking them up from school just so that I can have a car 🚗 ride with them where I'm fully engaged in their conversations. 

"How was your day?"

"What happened at recess?"

"Are you still friends with that boy in your class?"

"Does Emmy still think the color purple is a silly color?"


As simple and odd as the conversations might seem to anyone on the outside. 

These are key 🔑 factors in growth. 

As I mentioned earlier. 

We're half way through the year. 

Is it time that you start to focus on the 20% of activities that will get you 80% closer to the results and, goals your set for yourself?

Are there relationships you want to rekindle?

Or, extra side income?

Did you ever have that hobby that you wanted to turn into a business?

Whatever it might be. Focus on the 20% of effor that will get you closer to the next stage!