Subject: Untapped

Dammit!!! 😡 

I yelled at the top of my lungs as it happened again. 

This was my 8th time in under 6-months. 

There it was. 👀 

Shattered across the floor like a bad 90’s break-up song. 

I cracked my iPhone screen again. 

Normally this was an event that I could blame on the children. 

Not this time. 🙄

They were away on another Saturday morning adventure. 

But I had to do something. 

I’m now without a phone. 😮‍💨


Jogging up the stairs I keep hearing this sound vibrating. 

It was like a remote detonator counting down. 

It was my phone vibrating to the shattered screen across our hardwood floors. 

I couldn’t help it as my mind wondered… “who could that be?”

“Is it important?” 😵‍💫

“Are the kids okay, maybe my wife needs to get ahold of me?!”

The curiosity went on for what seemed like 5 minutes. 

“Geeeez!!!” I yelled in frustration. 

I knew I had to get to the mall before it closed. But I had no way of calling ahead to reserve a spot to get my phone repaired.


Over the last 6 months I’ve been paying this woman at the kiosk repair stand $180 each time I needed my phone repaired. 

What was even more crazy is that every time I got it repaired. 

It seemed to breaker quicker the next. 

It was like it became more and more fragile. 

To matter worse. 

For the $180 that I would have to pay. 🤕

She would only repair the front screen and not the back of the phone. 


That was cracked too!!!!!!

Your read that right. 

For $180 I would only get part or half of the phone fixed. 

It’s without question that I’m certainly her favorite 🤩 customer. 🤑

Fast forward  

I finally get out the house 🏠 

I had to make a split decision in driving. 

I could take a left turn and go towards the mall. 

The olé faithful route. 

But… I would risk not getting their in time. 

Or … I could try something new and make a quick right. 

You see… on the way to the mall is a small store in a small shopping center for cellphone company. 

The only issue is that whenever I go their. 

I always feel like someone is trying to sell me something. 

It’s like a piece of prime rib 🥩 dangling in front of ragging wolves 🐺 

“Eh, what do I have to lose? I probably won’t make it to the mall in time anyway”

Fast forward  

So here I am. Standing in line like … “Yo.. come on yaw, let’s get this over with. Lemme here your sales pitches”

But… that never happened. 

Like seriously 😳 

I was completely shocked 😯 

And slightly embarrassed 😞 

Check this out ….

Not only was the service good, no one “sold” and …

I got a new phone 📱 

😂 😂 okay, okay, hold on let me explain. 

Before you think 🤔 that they “sold” me a new phone. Let me explain. 

After I told the representative my dilemma.  

She actually problem solved. 

See, come to find out on my account I had a warranty plan that I’ve been paying on for the last 2-years. 


24-months straight!!!!!

I was flabbergasted 😲 

Here I was… for months going back and forth to the mall’s repair shop. Paying $180 each time. 

When inside of ny monthly bill 💵 

Was a warranty plan that I had already paid for. 


What’s today’s moral of the story?

“Never pay 💰 for something that you already have or have access to”

This entire time. I had the solution there .. with me. 

But it took me choosing to go outside of my comfort zone to reach the solution. 

That I didn’t even know I had. 

How many times have you overlooked a problem or challenge. 

Not knowing that it was already working in your favor. 

What can seem daunting or problematic. 

Might just be the thing in your life to reveal the greatness or the answer(s) that you already have inside of you. 

Here’s a little something that has allowed me to change my perspective on life and abundance. Here’s a short video that explains this in detail from my friend, Jackie. Watch the video by CLICKING HERE.

P.S. Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever experienced something similar in your journey that led you to realize you’re more powerful or resourceful than you thought?

Let me know by hitting reply to this. I want to hear from you!