Subject: Sex in the Library

Sex in the Library

OKay…. Relax. We’re all adults here. I want to share something personal.

It’s not my proudest moment. However, it is a part of my life’s journey that has led

me to where I 

am today.

As I think about it… I think I have quite a few moments that I’m not proud of.

I mean there was that one time I ran two people over with my Jeep in downtown San Francisco.

But I’ll explain that one tomorrow.

Let’s stay focused on the task at hand.

So back to this library thing.

When I was in High School I went to a Technology academy (POB) that focused on Architecture, 

Construction and Engineering. 

It was a great school academically. So much so that I gained internships with a Senator, 

Congressman, Mayor, and Harvey Gantt.

Anyway ….

I played sports and was primarily good at Baseball and Football.

Like most football programs we had two-a-day practices during the summer.

There was just one problem.

Students weren't allowed in the building… Well, because it was summertime.

So that meant that during the downtime we all had to leave the premises.

The only issue with that was that I didn't have a car at the time.

And to make matters worse I was scheduled to meet with my “ex” girlfriend.

We had a typical childish phone break-up the night before.

So in the spirit of immature relationships, she wanted us to meet and “talk things through”.

Lucky for me … a non-driving teenager…

She also had practiced as a band dancer. Ironically their practice was scheduled before my 2nd 


So… I’m sure you can put 1 and 2 together. 

When we met… we did more than verbally “talk”.

And sadly … we got caught. … IN THE ACT… 

As I said … not my proudest moment... But probably my most vulnerable moment.


But it gets worse than that.

I actually got expelled and had to start my football career all over again from my neighborhood 

school since I was kicked out of the academy. 

But there is something important that I skipped.

And no … it’s not the details of getting caught in the act.

It’s actually a few key events that led up to this entire fiasco.


Immediately after the 1st practice one of my close friends… our Quarterback said…

QB: “Yo Bap, you wanna hit up Wendy’s with us before 2nd practice?”

I replied. “Nah bro, I’m meeting somebody before the next practice.

QB: “Bro… don’t be doing nothing stupid, man”

Me: “Haa.. haaa… chill mane”

QB: “Bruh… I know for dang sure you ain't bout to meet who I think you talking about… leave her alone. Nothing but bad news!”


This exchange took place on 3 different occasions that same day. 

And to make matters worse … on the final exchange.

My QB turned his car around .... filled with some of the other skill players….

And said to me …

“Leland man… Please listen to me. Hope yo silly ass in this car and get some greasy burgers 

with ya boys before coach find out and kick you off the squad”

(Deep Sigh...)

Although I went to an academy … in our neighborhoods, it was never “cool” to be “smart”. 

Thus one of the bragging rights that we “smart kids” had who attended this academy had

Was to compete with our home neighborhood schools in athletics.

It was our “badge of honor”. Almost to say … “Yeah man… I know you like to make fun of me 

For going to a good school… but you can’t see me on the field or in the books”

(Deep Sigh…)

But you know what …

By me making that horrible decision.

Not only did I let myself down.

Not only did I change the trajectory of my future.

Not only did I lose scholarships.

But ultimately I altered the future of my fellow teammates.

I let them down.

Guys that I had run routes with, ran plays with. Developed bonds and trust.

It took years for us to get where we were all confident and truly comfortable.

The type of relationships that you can only develop with someone that you battle with.

Here’s the lesson that I want to share with you.

Whenever I see an opportunity or a warning in that case. Being presented to me multiple times.

I listen…

I pay attention to what is going on around me.

This is not just for business, investing but also as a Husband and Father.

What I’ve also learned is that warnings and opportunities. Both present themselves multiple 

Times for our benefit.

However, it is up to us to make the final decision.

When help is offered… be sure to take it.

Don’t short circuit your future by choosing to ignore the help of others.

Just like Football. Wealth is also a team sport. You must accept help from others.

There is truly nothing that you can do on your own.

As a child I allowed my emotions and pride to get in the way of my own success. 

As adults, we do the same thing… but hopefully different emotions.

Oftentimes it’s fear… or the sense of lack, mistrust, or embarrassment. 

But teammates grow together when they’re in the trenches together.

It’s the experience of battle that forges that relationship.

So I beg you. Don’t go at it all alone.

Surround yourself with a team that can help you do more and is more. 

If not for yourself… then for the future you …

For your Legacy!

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