Subject: Can't Close a Deal

Hey Friend,

One of the biggest reasons a person is not able to close a real estate deal. Outside of them not taking action.

Is that they are using methods and marketing that never resonate with the actual seller.

If you're connecting with sellers then you want to make sure that you're speaking their language.

Last week I set down one-on-one with a client.

As I was tearing through their marketing approach, market, advertising budget and numbers.

I noticed that they were approaching their marketing completelty wrong.

The marketing they were using was not specfically calling anyone out.

Instead it was screamiing... "if you have a house... I want to buy it.."

Hear me out here...

It's better to take this approach than no approach.

But as you grow and get better... what you want to do is have a message and marketing that is specific to the needs of the person that you "actually want to help".

One of the messages that we changed when sitting down together was to add more specificity to the marketing message.

Here's an example:

Message 1:

I first want to offer my condolenses for your death. This is a time that some could never see coming. As a Custodian of the estate you had to prepare far in advance for this day. You knew that it was only a matter of time.

No matter how much preparation you had, it seems like you can never have enough.

My team and I deal closely with those who deal with estates similar to yours. If you want I can send you a list of professionals that we offer to others in your similar situation. Just let me know if you would like me to text it over to you.

P.S. I want to congratulate you for being the person in your circle that others can depend on during this time of need.

Message 2:

Sometimes people don't anticipate to pass away so quickly. And the loved ones left behind often wonder what's next?

We had a past client who's father had passed away. He loved her dearly but only left a few properties behind.

The property werent in the best condition so their realtor friend let them know that they probably would not get much for them. To add insult to enjoy the realtor friend said it could take months before they were able to off load the headache.

The daughter was in her 3rd year of college and needed to have a way to make sure her tution could be covered.

More than anything, her father would've wanted her to finish college.

Her realtor reached out to us. We stepped in and eleveated the headache.

Not only did it take less than 10 days but we were able to get her more money than what her realtor had suggested at the beginning.

Having access to resources and networks of people when you need them most is why we are here.

So if you're in a similar situation don't hesistate to let us know how we can help you best.


These are examples of the type of messaging that you want to begin to send to your prospects.

By doing this you will begin to build good will in your market place.

Plus you will start to create a network of deal flow while helping other people as well.

IF you would like more examples like this so that you can start using these in your real estate business.

Just reply to this email with the word "MORE"

Until next time... Happy Investing!

Sincerely, Leland Baptist

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