Subject: 95!

Yep 👍🏾 

It’s … the 95th ..

Not sure what I’m talking about?

Statistically this is where people get lazy, gain weight, make excuses and give up on their hopes and dreams. 

They look at the calendar 📅 

And begin to say …

Wow 😮 

“Time sure does fly… where did the year go?!”

We are officially 95 DAYS from this year coming to an end.

You now have the power ⚡️ to choose how you finish this race.  

What is it that you want to accomplish in the next 95 days?

What do you want to accomplish in the next 3 - Months?

In the last quarter of the game?

Will you be triumphant?

Is it a new deal?

Maybe your first deal?

Is it your next investment property?

Did you know that it only takes 21 days to form a habit … and only 3 days to break it?

Your daily activities in the next 95 days are more important than you can imagine. 

Plan these next few weeks. 

Cherish them and make them detailed. 

The rest of your year depends on it. 
