Subject: 31 - 55 - 86 - 92

That's all you have...

In case you can't tell...

I am very time conscious...

Not in the sense of always wanting to be "on-time"..

But in the realm of how delicate time truly is. It waits for no-man/woman

In the U.S.A. We are approximately

31 Days from Halloween

55 days from Thanksgiving

86 days from Christmas

92 days from New Years

Now despite the fact that you may ... or may not celebrate these pagan holidays.

One thing is certain... much of the world's economy plan in detail around these land marks.

Parents put toys and furniture on lay-away...

Children begin to countdown until the day they can dress in costumes or open "presents"...

Family members mark their calendar to share their newly made Ham and baked goods...

And most of the world anticipates to make that "NEW" "resolution.. that "NEXT" year will be the change that they always wanted "Promise to Themselves" which is normally empty.

What if you didn't have to wait for "NEXT" YEAR.

What if you didn't have to wait for the perfect time to make the perfect change?

What if you could decide today... that going forward you would go after your goals with true vigor?

Without holding yourself back with fear??

If you did ... you'd accomplish more in the next 3 months than many people would do all next year.


Last week we launched an app that has various mindset affirmations and investing methods 100% FREE that you can use to get yourself on the right track to crushing your goals before a new year resolution. You can access it on the GooglePlay Store and Apple AppStore now as a 100% FREE Download.

Click Here For GooglePlay Store

Click Here For Apple AppStore


Your Friend Leland Baptist

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