Subject: 🤔 ready to change?

this is one of the hardest things to do. That is why some nearly die instead of change. But the reason this happens is not by chance.. it's suppose to

You're a warrior!

I am not meant to work until I die. I'm not merely meant to work, pay bills, pick up my kids, cut the grass, cook dinner, go to sleep, and do it all over again.

If you're reading this that means that you feel the same way I do.

We are all meant to be and do so much more than just the daily routine.

But why do so many do it anyway? Why do some people simply die in the process of everyday routine?

Blog To Help You With Change

Only to wake up one day and see that ... there was so much potential that laid dormant.

I want to share this article with you that I believe can help you with "change" and knowing when a change ... is merely an indicator that it's time to grow.

Growth is never bad. However to grow means that something has to die.

When we exercise... there is a time of tension and pain in our existing muscles. That is the body's way of changing.

That is the body stripping the old dormant muscle to make way for the newer improved.

P.S. Later today I am going to send you a free download that will help with this exact issue.

I want you to be successful. The world needs your gift!

I'll be in touch.

Coach Leland

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