Subject: 💊 poppin more than pills

Listen up.. I had this conversation with a little 6 year old boy. I figured it could help you too. 

Have you ever stood in front of the microwave, eyes wide with anticipation, watching popcorn kernels transform into fluffy white clouds of deliciousness? 

It's not just a snack; it's a mini-miracle happening right before your eyes. 

Let me share a little secret with you that's as magical as your favorite movie moment.

Imagine each popcorn kernel as a hidden superhero, much like you, harboring incredible potential inside. 

This potential is locked away, waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Inside each kernel is a tiny drop of water, encased in a hard shell, like a superhero in disguise, biding its time.

Now, think of the microwave as those pressure-packed moments we all face—tests, challenges, and even those days when nothing seems to go right. 

When we turn on the microwave, it's like life turning up the heat on us, testing our resolve, our patience, and our courage.

As the microwave's energy heats the kernels, the water inside turns to steam, building pressure against the kernel's tough exterior. It's a battle between the inside and the outside, until finally, the pressure is too much. 

The kernel explodes, turning itself inside out, and reveals its fluffy, white, true self. The popcorn pops, not just as a treat, but as a triumphant hero, having transformed under pressure into something better, something greater.

This, my young friend, is exactly like us. When we find ourselves in those microwave moments of life, feeling the heat, the pressure building, we're on the brink of our own transformation. 

It's in these moments that we have the power to pop, to burst forth from our challenges, transformed and elevated into a better version of ourselves.

Like popcorn, we emerge from the heat not only unscathed but improved, fluffier, and ready to be enjoyed. 

These moments of pressure are not just obstacles; they're opportunities. Opportunities to grow, to change, and to show the world our true selves.

So, the next time you're watching popcorn pop, remember, you too have that explosive potential inside you. 

Life's pressures are just the universe's way of making sure you pop into the best version of yourself. Embrace the heat, face the pressure, and get ready to show the world the star you are meant to be.

Keep popping,
Leland Baptist
Your fellow popcorn 🍿 

P.S. Never forget, every popcorn kernel is a superhero in disguise, and so are you. Ready to pop into greatness at any moment. Keep shining, keep popping, and let's turn those pressures into power together.

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