So why does this matter for you? Because too many small business owners make the mistake of thinking everyone is their customer. They get frustrated if they’re “only” converting 10%, 20%, or 40% of people into buyers. But what that really shows is that they're not reaching enough new people.
If you’re always marketing to the same group, sure, you might convert a higher percentage — but you’ll eventually run out of people to sell to. The real growth comes from speaking to new strangers who don’t yet know your brand, product, or service. And that’s where the power of segmentation comes in.
When you segment your audience, you’re targeting specific groups of people with tailored messages that speak directly to their needs. Your goal isn’t to convert everyone — it’s to convert a smaller number of the right people who are primed and ready to do business with you.
This is what big businesses do all the time. They know that not everyone will buy their newest product, so they focus on capturing the attention of the right segments of the market. Your business can do the same.
By understanding the importance of segmentation, and using a strong pipeline, you can reach more new people, build relationships with them, and ultimately convert a percentage into loyal customers. You don’t need everyone to be your customer — just the right ones.
So, if you’re ready to grow your business and speak to the right people, it’s time to embrace segmentation. Let’s chat about how you can build a pipeline that works for you.
Here’s to focusing on quality over quantity,
Leland Baptist
P.S. Don’t get caught up in trying to please everyone — the power of segmentation is all about finding the right customers for your business! Let’s talk about how to do that.
🚀 Not Sure Where To Start?
🔥 If I had to start over with a business but no idea how to systematize and scale it, here’s my game plan…
âś… Step #1 - Surround Yourself with the Right People (sign up as a new user)
Asset Builders Club – Learn, Network, & Scale with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs
âś… Step #2 - Automate & Scale Your Business
5-Day AI Automation Challenge – Master Lead Generation & Sales Automation
âś… Step #3 - Unlock Consistent Revenue with AI & Systems
Ignite Business Software Free Trial – CRM, Funnels, AI ChatBot & More
🚀 Ready to take action?
P.S. Want me to personally help you install automation? Let’s talk.