Subject: 🍿 What I learned From Eternal Thena

Last night I took my family to see the Marvel movie Eternals.

As you can imagine my 2-Year-old daughter had to go to the restroom to “potty” multiple times.

So this obviously means that there are a few parts that I did not see in the movie.


The next day my wife and I were in the kitchen talking about the movie. Reflecting back on the characters and the moral of the story.

One thing about me is that I LOVE MOVIES… I am always looking for a deeper meaning or underlining lesson that I can apply to my life and purpose. 

Going back to the conversation.

My wife said in a remorseful tone “I never want to have to be like Thena…”

“Uh… what do you mean? She was super powerful!!” I said with childlike enthusiasm.

“Yeah, she was extremely powerful, skilled, and beautiful… but she dealt with forgetting who she was and what she is” my wife replied.

And that made me think about YOU.

Yeah, seriously it made me think about you and the majority of us on the earth. We are all so individually talented, gifted, and special. And yet for some crazy reason, we begin to forget just how important, unique and special that we truly are. 

This often comes from outside influences or in Thena’s character story from having poor habits that corrupted her mindset. 

Whenever this happens it impacts our mode of operating as a person. It can cause someone not to take the right actions that you know you should.

Simple things like not investing in yourself. Or choosing not to take a healthy walk in your neighborhood or just not spending the needed quality time with your loved ones. 

Whatever negative mental talk inside your head causes you to be a lesser version of yourself.. SHUT IT DOWN….


Are you wondering what this has to do with investing, passive income, marketing, etc.?

It’s all connected.

Here’s why.

When you have negative thoughts. It will ultimately cause you to take negative actions that will begin to sabotage your goals.

Here’s an example of this.

When a person makes a new year's resolution to lose weight. They’re aware that simple steps like being more active over a consistent period of time get them more results.

But by April of the same year. BOOM… they’re out of whack and out of shape.


Is it that walking, push-ups, or other home-based activities don’t work?


That’s certainly not true.

It has to deal with identity. Or better yet the subconscious self talks in their mind.

“You can miss your exercise routine today. It’s just 1 day… it doesn't matter.”

“You’ve been doing really good with your eating habits… why don’t you go ahead and get an extra piece of cake”

From a business or investing perspective.

“Do you really want to invest that money… how long will it take to get a return?”

“Instead of waiting for a return you could go and buy a pair of shoes instead”

“Do I really need to invest right now… surely I can put this off right..?”

“I bet Elon Musk would buy this new car if he wanted it, why should I use this money to invest”

Do you get the point?

You know that you should take positive action … however your negative mental talk keeps you from pulling the trigger.

So what should you be doing right now if your FEAR and NEGATIVE mental talk were not holding you back?

You don’t have to wait until the end of the movie or your life … Like Thena to figure out you are powerful enough. 

You are powerful beyond measure!

Leland Baptist

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