Subject: 👅 Watch your MOUTH

Your mouth is powerful...

Even in business!

Let me tell you a short story. I was in the middle of a deal with a partner. We were looking to purchase a 35 unit apartment building in the great state of Tennessee.

We were constantly going over the numbers. It seemed like the only option was to look into having the seller lower his price by $55,000.

It seemed like a relative small amount. But the deal simply would not work with the numbers that we had.

(Video Reminder)

Problem #1

We had already agreed to a contract price...

This meant that we had to go back to seller and request or negotiate a lower price.

My partner that I was working with at the time. Was literally throwing his hands up in fear. He began to complain about the deal. Then he started to say things like

"This will never work"

"He will never agree to that price.."

He went on and on speaking about scenarios in his own mind that he made up so stating that the deal would never close and would be lost forever.

Problem #2

The partner started to have such a negative outlook on the deal that he started saying how "horrible" of a deal it was.

This guy was so fixed about how "bad" it was.. that he started blaming the realtor who referred the seller to us.

I simply replied... "DUDE! You're going to throw this out of the window just because we need a lower price? All we have to do is ASK! We have no idea what he's going to say."

Problem #3

"NO LELAND! THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THIS DEAL IS GOING TO WORK! This guy already said he's not willing to go dollar lower than where we are at right now. I'm calling him first thing in the morning to cancel the contract and hopefully we can recoup the earnest money period."

4 Months later...

I decided to call the seller up.

To my shock he answered on the first ring! I could tell that he was talking with a HUGE smile on his face. I asked why he was in such a great mood! He told me that I was calling him after he was picking up his check from the title company.


"Oh, really???!" I said in curiosity... "Are you telling me that you sold the apartment building already?"


"Damn Right!" He yelled!

"Cha-CHING!!!! Momma's gettin a new pair of shoes!!"


"Hold up...!" I said in frustration.

"You mean the same apartment we had under contract with you?"


"That my boy, would be the one!"

"After you told me you could'nt do it. A group out of Arizona called me and said they could close in 90 days. So I took them up on the offer."


"90 days?"

I was confused because that was a longer time frame from what he told us he could wait.

"Well... how much did you end up agreeing to?"


"It was less than you guys. About $155,000 less. But hell... it's out of my hair and into their hands! So it works for me!!"


You got to be kidding me!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!

Well, John if I know you'd taken that much less I could've gave you that."


"Well I guess that's your fault for not presenting it to me sooner"

Moral Of The Story

  1. You have not... Because you ASK not

  2. Don't allow your mouth to create a self-fulfilling prophesy

  3. The WAR is already won.. based on the BATTLE that is within your own MIND

  4. Don't partner with Nay-Sayers

Don't allow fear to create an environment of doubt that makes you shrink in your purpose and miss opportunities to grow.

Video Below

This video below is a message that I listened to last week that reminded me of this exact situation. If you fast-forward to the 43:43 time of the video they begin talking about this in detail and how anyone can reverse it for their good.

I highly recommend!


Look for my next email! I have free gift that I want to give you.. It literally cost me $10,000's of dollars.

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