Subject: 🔮 Like magic 🪄

The other weekend I did something I’m ashamed of.

Something that no education “health-nut” parent would ever do.

Let alone a “Woke-Millennial”

*Deep breath*

No parent who loves their children
👧 👦

Would do this.

I was driving down a busy avenue.

When my son let out a huge shout in agony.

As any decent parent would do …

I yelled to him in the back seat with frustration.

“What is it, now??!”


As I’ve said … not my proudest moment.

But it gets worse.

In a playful and hopeful voice he says “I want McDonald’s..”

Immediately my face twisted in disgust.

“Are you sure?” I replied.

As if I was going to use logic to persuade a 4-year old boy who was fixated on a Happy Meal Toy

Before I knew it, I was leaving the drive thru and stretching my arm backwards to give him the “earned” happy meal.


Not my proudest moment.

Not long afterwards we finally arrive home.

I put the car
🚘 in park with a sigh 😞 of relief 😮‍💨.

I was tired from driving, what seemed like all day.

It was almost as if on cue…

This little boy
👦 yells at the top of his lungs.

OH MY GOSH, DAD! What happened???!!!

Immediately my thoughts
💭 run wild and my adrenaline is pumping as I say with panic 😱

“What, what…what is it… what happened??!”

My son looks up to me with the face of a child that has loss his puppy

“My… French fries
🍟 disappeared…”

In disbelief. My shoulders dropped along with my blood pressure.

“Are you serious, dude?” I said in irritation.

“Yes … Dad. They’re gone and I can’t find them” he frantically replied.

In the most gentle a voice I could muster I say “Son, you’re holding an empty carton of French fries
🍟. Are you sure that you, didn’t eat them all?”

It was as if I was talking to a serial killer in a episode of CSI MIAMI who was caught holding the murder weapon as he stood over the victim.

The French fry
🍟 salt 🧂 was covered all over his hands 🙌🏾

Guilty as charged.

It was as if he immediately snapped out of a trance the moment he saw the French fry container in his own hand

In shock he says “Oh… I guess you’re right, Dad. I did eat them all. ….. hahahaha silly me…”

Truly disturbing
😳 I thought 💭 to myself.

“Am I failing as parent?”

The lesson I learned from this is how many of us treat money
💰 as working professionals.

We are so eager to obtain it or metaphorically get it in our “hands”

But in a short matter of time.

It’s gone.

💨 It disappears. Or so we claim.

And we never really know where it went.

It’s almost
😅 like a classic story it Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hyde.

We turn into another person. Or better yet.

Our urges to spend or “enjoy life” get the best of us.

So much so that once we finally reach the golden years of retirement.

We’re unable to do anything different.


Because we never realized that the person who made your “French fries
🍟 disappear” all these years.

Was YOU.

Share a time that you realized that it was your own hands that metaphorically made your French fries
🍟 disappear.

How to keep your Happy Meal …. HAPPY LOL

Leland Baptist