Subject:Â đŸ˜± “Its” CHASING you


(What in the world is going on, now??!) I thought in my head.

I slowly turn around in hopes to keep my calm.


It was my toddler daughter running back and forth.

“What’s going on hunny?” I said in a semi-calm voice.

“It’s chasing me
 it’s chasing me..!” she screamed with a loud “aaaaghh!”

I leaned in closer to her.

And I saw


Seriously, I saw absolutely nothing. Nothing was chasing her.

It was at this moment that I figured that she was probably just playing another make believe game.

So as any “good” father would 
 I entertained her. 

“Oh my goodness sweetie
 What is chasing you?”

“Daddy! Daddy!!! You don’t see it??!” She said with a shaky voice as she sped up and began running in a bigger circle.

At this point I was growing more and more concerned with whether or not this was a game. 

Either my daughter was really seeing something chasing her. Or she deserved the next oscar nomination.

Cautiously I say “okay baby.. What does it look like?”

She replied in a panic “It’s big and black and it keeps coming after me please, help me DADDY

It was at that point that I completely lost it
 in laughter!!! I couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like two whole minutes. I mean I got such a good deep laugh from the depths of my belly it was almost therapeutic. 

Ironically she was still running. She didn't even skip a beat because she was in mind.. “Running for her life” and her “good” father wasn't even helping. 

After I regained my composure. I was ready to offer her a simple solution.

“Sweetie! All you have to do is stop running.”

At that moment. My daughter was so perplexed from my statement that she stopped running and began walking towards me in confusion.

“Daddy, you said stop running?” she asked.

“Yep, what you’re running from is something called a shadow. It’s just a type of reflection of yourself” I said softly.

At that moment I began to show her that the black figure was merely mimicking her every move. 

“Do you see now that there is nothing to be afraid of?” I said.

“Uh huh” she replied with confidence as she walked away as if the crisis had never taken place.

Moral of the story is this..


How many of us are trying to run from ourselves? Not realizing that the “crisis” that you’re dealing with is merely a type of reflection of the choices that we’ve made.

A mere mimic of poor decisions or the lack thereof?

Maybe you’re not able to here that calm voice inside yourself telling you to “stop running”.

So allow me to help you by saying it again.

“Stop trying to outrun yourself. Face it, acknowledge it and change it”

If you’re not happy with your current situation. It’s okay. That’s right
 IT IS OKAY. That situation is like a shadow. It’s a “type” of reflection. 

The cool thing about a shadow is that it “changes” when you “change”.

So if we are going to change that situation. I need you to change yourself.

Make that call that you know you should make.

Start that program that you need to start.

Finish the course that you skipped through.

Actually put in the effort to stop running
 and actually start doing.

Dare I say 
 “Put in the work” that you’re afraid of doing.

If this resonates with you, hit reply and let me know how it has impacted you.

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