Subject: 🤷‍♂️ 590+ Days and for what?

Hey there Friend

Sometimes we overthink things way too much. We find reasons (aka "excuses") why we can't do something. (Or, to be more precise, won't do them ... I mean, let's be honest here.) We do all this overthinking rather than JUST DOING IT.

This is not just bad for your real estate journey ... but bad for your entire LIFE, trust me. Let me tell you why I'm writing to you about this today ...

A future real estate mogul named Ben recently enrolled in our Real Estate Mastery program. His journey began with a funny-looking email address, so I decided to look her up in our system.

So check this out, this is incredible ...

... it turns out Ben first joined our newsletter list on February 10, 2021 (that's February of 2021, not this year).

That means he waited 590+ DAYS before taking the first step toward his real estate dreams!

Now, don't get me wrong.

I am thrilled that Ben decided to take action. Every step toward real estate success is a victory, and I'm here to support him, just like all our real estate warriors and ASSET BUILDERS.

So what was the hold up?

Could it be money, time, or self doubt (it works for others, but will it work for me)?

Matter of fact...What is holding you back, too?

I am here to let you know that you can.. absolutely accomplish your goals. BUT... THERE's only one hold up... (you have to apply yourself and do it with HELP)

Most of us think that knowledge alone produces results.

The big goals that we want in life and the freedom we crave.

But the truth is that "APPLIED" knowledge is the only thing that does this.

SO ... My question for you is... what are you applying?

Are you one of those people that believe that a baby can teach its self to walk, talk and run without ever modeling after another human being?

Sounds crazy right?

Then why on earth are so many people thinking that they can do the same?

The truth is.. if you "COULD" do it on your own... you would've already done it.

But what was Ben waiting for, and more importantly, what are YOU waiting for?

Every day you delay in pursuing your real estate dreams is a day you push your goals a little further away. Don't do that to yourself.

When it comes to real estate, the right time to start is always RIGHT NOW.

Click here to see the incredible results our students are achieving and the real estate success stories they're creating.

What's stopping you from doing the same as Ben?!

Get Started Here Now

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